October 4th 2022


Another great week at the Kilkenny Monday 6 aside league held at the Watershed Sports Centre with all teams in attendance. Winners included: DTS (4-1), 442 FC (5-1), AFC Breexit (4-3) and IN FC (7-6). 

A huge congratulations to our MVPs: Declan Duggan, Colin Rowan, Eoin Minnock and George Murphy. For your chance to get MVP, fill out a player card so the ref can choose you. At the end of the season, the player with the most MVPs will be placed into a prize draw where they can win prizes up to Apple Air pods. 

From next week, the pitch is being relayed at the Watershed, therefore, in the next few days all teams will be contacted to inform you of our alternative arrangements. 

To join this exciting 6 aside league, register your team on our website today! For more information, give us a call on 0333 123 2340. 

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